We stopped
The dig has closed
An archaeology weblog about experiences with the Windsor and Wraysbury Archaeological Group. Produced in association with www.newarchaeology.com
Heard from a potential new volunteer yesterday which is great as we need more diggers.
If you would like to join us call 01753 854595
This year there has been only one Sunday of digging so far due to back injuries and family comittments. We need more diggers. call us 01753854595
Last time I was at the site, one hour's archaeological excavation produced:
2 potboiler stones
thumbnail sizes flake of flint
9 fragments of ceramics from 9 different ources. Mostly shell or grit tempered stuff. One thumbnail sized piece seems to have a light slip on one side and a dark residue (slip or burning) on the other.
We could do with a digger or two to help on sundays in wraysbury during 2006. If you already have a little experience then please consider joining us opening a new trench which will reveal anglo-saxon treasures beyond your wildest imagininings (or some bits of broken pottery). email me for more info please.
Windsor and Wraysbury Archaeological Group was founded in 1974
Crossrail produced a report on the impact of the crossrail scheme which includes a good deal of archaeological background on the thames valley around our site in Wraysbury.
After painstakingly removing a 1 metre square mass of broken pottery and non-specific material that we were clueless about, one of our number proudly annonces that he still doesn't have a clue what it was. Time may tell, but personally I still think it was a midden that we excavated around leaving the contents as a vertical column of shite.