Digging up Saxons

An archaeology weblog about experiences with the Windsor and Wraysbury Archaeological Group. Produced in association with www.newarchaeology.com

Sunday, February 12, 2006

One hour's archaeological excavation produced

Last time I was at the site, one hour's archaeological excavation produced:
2 potboiler stones
thumbnail sizes flake of flint
9 fragments of ceramics from 9 different ources. Mostly shell or grit tempered stuff. One thumbnail sized piece seems to have a light slip on one side and a dark residue (slip or burning) on the other.

Come and dig near Windsor in Berkshire

We could do with a digger or two to help on sundays in wraysbury during 2006. If you already have a little experience then please consider joining us opening a new trench which will reveal anglo-saxon treasures beyond your wildest imagininings (or some bits of broken pottery). email me for more info please.